So I've got the layer styles installed and I'm just in a new blank document. I've just got one single type layer I'm just going to go into my styles panel, which is this fx icon And go and find brackens trash I'm using the 72 dpi version here, so with my type layer selected I'm just going to go through and you can pick from one of the three groups and just start selecting Different styles and you see that straight away.
We've got edge wear. We've got some artifacts For example, this first one I clicked on has got a huge, uh, bit missing We'll just click through, see ones that we like. Each one comes as small and large, but it's not just the Scaling of the pattern. Some of the ones have different strokes on them.
So they look slightly different It's not just a kind of one-for-one rescaling But there's some lovely stuff here going on like these kind of slices through in the these extra little bits and bobs. And this on a live type layer and it's as simple as that really to get started. You just click on your layer, go through the layer styles, pick which one you you're happy as Larry.
You've just got it straight away working. Now, something I quite like to do is we can just remove this by right-clicking on the FX and doing clear. And say if I have multiple bits of type, let's add a, uh, small bit of type here. Nice, quite thin one. And write something here.
What I like to do is select both of these, shift-click, and then just hit CTRL or CMD-G to pop them into a group, and then with this group selected that has all of our elements in it, I'm just gonna go to one of the layer styles and apply that, and it applies Thank you to everything within the group, and this is really nice, because not only does it give everything a cohesive look, but it means that we can move our type around within that group, and we're kind of looking for nice little bits of texture, because it's all well and good to have some of this gnarly type, but sometimes information might be important, and we don't want to completely obliterate it, something like contact information, or a website, or, uhm, social handle, or something that actually needs a bit of legibility, but for the rest of it, we can just get it absolutely wrecked somewhere.
So again, I just select the group, click through, pick one of these that I like, and it's as simple as that. It stays editable, it stays changeable, nothing is fixed, and we can just have a lot of fun, and kind of move these elements around, and, find nice little bits of texture within there.
Really cool.