Stacking Effects - Trashed Type

Stacking Effects - Trashed Type


Something that's quite fun to do here is, uhm, to create unique looks, and kind of create your own version of this, is I've got my group here, one of the effects applied, and I'm just gonna press CTRL or CMD-G to pop that into a second group and apply another style to that.

Now, this can look a little bit crazy, and sometimes it can just objectify and objectively look bad. But, when you change the two around, and just have a little play, you'll see that it's getting texture off some of the elements from the one below it, and some of the one above I'm just selecting between the two groups, and just picking different ones, and it doesn't really matter here.

I'm just kind of pushing this, because we're obviously getting this lovely crack here in the first style, and when I go through the rest, that maintains, but we're getting this extra flavour of this top group, so we're creating completely unique looks, and again, nothing's changed, it's still editable, live-type, and it just allows us to kind of mix and match, and create our own little flavour to this, and, you know, if I wanted to do it again, pop it in another group, select another one, and this will probably get to a point where it's so blurred out and illegible, and you kind of start to get some of these perfectly circular little artifacts, uhm, where it's just taking the odd rogue pixel, and, and, you know, creating texture around that, so it might start to look just a bit unusable.

But have fun with it, you and it looks, works really nice on big type, some of these, because, you know, you're not getting a huge amount of that bleed, and it's staying somewhat legible, but kind of getting loads of lovely texture, and it's live type, you can change the font, change the width, change, change everything about it, it doesn't really matter, uhm, but just You have fun, play with these, be conscious that, if you create loads of these, it might start to slow Photoshop down, because it's creating lots of instances of different patterns and stuff, but, have fun, uh, be loosey-goosey with it, create different ones, and just really push it, these things are made to be pushed, and broken a little bit, uhm, but yeah, just stack them up, and have fun with it.