So if you go to apply trash type to layers that have colour in them, for example these two When I create them, you'll see that it turns it into complete 100% black and that's alright.
That's what it's supposed to do That's how these patterns are made, but that ain't great. You know, you want to bring back a little bit of that colour so what you need to very similar technique to the product misprinted, is we're just going to pop this into a second group.
I'm just going to call this Something so we can see so we have our Group with our effects and our elements in it and then that's now in another group And on top of this I'm going to pop our solid colour Make sure I select the colour of the type wanted to be Just going to drag this above the colour now and then hit alt or option So it's now clipped to our type. So now we have type back in it But if you remember from earlier this bottom type wasn't this colour So i'm just going to mask this any way that you normally would so This won't work if you clip a colour to the group with the effect itself You have to pop it into a secondary group and then clip a colour to it If like I said, if you've played with misprinted, you'll understand this technique, but that's how you get colour back into your Styles that are using trash type.