Top Tip: Scaling - Trashed Type

Top Tip: Scaling - Trashed Type

Using the Type Duplicators - Trashed Type Reading Top Tip: Scaling - Trashed Type 2 minutes


So fun little extra tip is what I like to do is apply a style that I like and these are made to be super crisp and like pixel perfect textures, but what's nice to add a little softness to this is to just right click on the FX icon of our group or layer which has trash type applied to it.

We'll right-click on that and go down to scale effects. And now with this, we'll just adjust this up or down by one and we'll see the pattern move slightly, but we'll also see it soften a little bit.

If we just go before and after, that's before, super crisp, and then we'll just go up one and it's softened a little bit.

It's because it's now not pixel perfect, it's basically having to kind of guess and upscale it by just 1%, so it just softened it ever so slightly, and it's quite a nice way of just adding a bit of a natural blur to these textures whilst still keeping the detail.

And it's always changeable, you can go back on it, but it's just nice because it gets rid of some of this fine noise.

You see up here, look for this pea example. When we go back, super crispy, which is nice, but then also this softness is kind of nice too.

So, it's a fun little technique, just to soften things a little bit, then with some paper textures on top, we get a really nice, soft, cohesive look to everything.

Uhm, but if you like it crispy, keep it to 100%, and you're looking good.